
The draft resolution of the CMU “Some issues of licensing of economic activity” was published

The purpose of the adoption of this act is to prevent the termination of the process of licensing of economic activity by the licensing bodies that are being reorganized.

It is proposed to implement the set goal by entrusting the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products with the functions of the licensing authority for the production of medicinal products, wholesale and retail trade in medicinal products, import of medicinal products (except for active pharmaceutical ingredients), and the State Service of Ukraine for Drug Control with the functions the licensing authority for economic activity in the circulation of narcotic drugs, precursors and other controlled substances.

We would like to remind you that the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products and Narcotics Control was designated as the licensing body for the above-mentioned spheres of economic activity by the Resolution of the CMU dated 05.08.2015 No. 609. In view of this, the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products announced the termination of powers in the field of licensing of economic activity.

You can familiarize yourself with the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Some issues of licensing of economic activity” by following the link.